all 50 states along with 18 countries participated in #blacklivesmatter protests as of june 3 2020. this makes it the largest civil rights movement in world history. that is powerful. there are so many changes that need to be made & we are finally on the right track to make them. so speak up, donate, sign, protest, organise, converse, and reflect. we’ve got a long way to go, take action.

24 black beauty brands

i have never been crazy about makeup or luxury skincare but doing research for this collection was brilliant and intriguing. these brands that i have collected are all black-owned & centered around inclusivity & empowerment. touched by all of the stories behind these businesses, i will be sure to support when i am looking for…

53 black fashion labels

support. these. labels. these designers & brands are brilliant. collected from countries all around the world, there are some small businesses & some very large. take some time to look through this list & find what suits you best.

17 black fashion influencers to follow

if your instagram feed is flooded with fashion influencers, these are names you must know if you don’t already. this collection is full of inspiring and powerful people that would make great role models for all.